Water Company and 1923 Filming - Framed and Matted Print
Water Company and 1923 Filming - Framed and Matted Print
These framed and matted prints are luxurious, and look like they belong in a museum. Frame sizes are the outer edge of the frame.
This shows the actual 1920’s vs. the 1923 set that was filming in November of 2024 on Granite Street of Uptown Butte.
This historic image from The Butte Archives shows the Water Company at left. At that time, The Butte Copper Company was Idaho, Utah and Montana Mortgage Co, which is what is written on the window of the historic image (can't see in this combination) and is also written on the spare tires (first and third cars from left to right). The 1923 production has changed the name to "Simms Frontier Real Estate, Loans & Insurance" in Paradise Valley.
Apparently the mortgage co. in the historic image was listed in the city directory at this address in 1928, 1929 and 1930.
The two buildings to the right of the Copper Co / Real Estate building are no longer there, and are now parking for BSB. The Carpenter's Union Building is shown at right.
And you'll notice the fake snow on the sidewalk/in the lot to the right side of the image, and also in front of the Water Company.